What is Concrete5? Concrete5 is one of the fastest growing open source CMS (Content Management System).
2011 increased the amount of downloads of Concrete5 by 517% according to a survey by Water and Stone and according to BuiltWith it's used in about 22,000 sites worldwide. Approximately 85% of all users who were surveyed in the Water and Stones survey of open source CMS was pleased with Concrete5. (this was the highest figure, followed closely by WordPress).
The best in the open source market by Water and Stones annual open source report.
There are books written about Concrete5 if you want to immerse yourself more and you can also get access to more materials about the system that is best for the open source market by Water and Stones annual open source report.
What we really like about the Concrete5 CMS
What we really like about the Concrete5 CMS is how easy it is for editors to edit content on the site. Concrete5 also has a appmarket, ready-made themes and a large community, if you want to expand your version of Concrete5 for example, a small online shop, forum, calendar, or similar.
The technology behind Concrete5, PHP with MySQL as the database.
Concrete5 CMS for editors
Concrete5 has a WYSIWYG editor (what you see is what you get), that you can edit and publish directly on the page without having to go into the root system and do not know how it will look when it is presented to your customers.
You can also preview, save versions of campaigns and replace modules, move around modules, create links and functions in a very smooth way.
Concrete5 and Search Engine Optimization
You as a webmaster or editor can easily keyword optimize the page by changing the meta tags, keywords, links, etc. directly into the system without having to turn to a developer.
Concrete5 and DevCore
DevCore built its first site in Concrete5 in 2009 and is probably Sweden's most experienced consultants in the right Concrete5. We have a large number of successful projects with satisfied editors and marketing managers among our customers.