Episerver & Optimizely
Episerver/Optimizely CMS and DevCore as developers. Episerver & Optimizely CMS is a Content Management System developed for the easiest way to publish material.
Episerver is a powerful but easy to use WYSIWYG editor where editors to quickly and easily customize and publish their content with support for managing Responsive sites and built in functions to better be able to see how a page will look both on the phone, ipad and on the web.
Episerver CMS
Combined with Episerver CMS's other products can also control your social presence on the internet, managing newsletters, creating an online shop and integrate Episerver to various CRM systems.
Episerver has a well constructed language support that makes it easy to provide an international website for both large and small companies. In Episerver you can also customize content for different audiences, favorite users, etc.
Episerver Modules
Episerver has a slightly moderated rights systems, integration to Active Directory and a simple file system that makes work easier for both administrators and editors.
Episerver Modules. There are additional modules to use as e.g. Episerver Composer Episerver Relate, Episerver Commerce and Epistore that gives the editor and the site much more opportunities to dynamically add content, documents, lists, integration, webshop functionality etc.
Applications on Episerver
Episerver CMS has many different possibilities and beyond your usual CMS for your site or an intranet can be used for customer relations, blogs and integrated with the sales support such as Salesforce and SuperOffice.
Episerver & Optimizely Certified Developers
DevCore has vast experience in consultancy work Episerver developers. We have 11 certified Episerver consultants and has carried out projects and development in both Episerver CMS 5, Episerver CMS 6, Episerver CMS 7, Epistore, Episerver Commerce, Episerver Relate, Composer etc.
As certified Episerver developers we have created, developed and integrated Episerver for simple installation and extremely tailored solutions according to customer needs and preferences.